Bangladesh jail police admit card 2023
Bangladesh jail police admit card 2023 is available in our website, and you will also find the jail police admit card on the website of Bangladesh kara odhidoptor. The authority has announced the date and also notice to get of the admit card to attend the exam. According to the job notice, Bangladesh kara odhidoptor will take 383 manpower for male jail warders and female jail wardrobes for their service. Now a price of good news for the applicant is that their prison admit card is ready and waiting for get on their website.
To attend the right n exam including a physical test, an admit card is mandatory. So, we have discussed the admit card time and date in the next section. Prison department recruitment Exam admits card can be geted without any help from prison department’s official website. So those who did not know how to get the admit card let’s know about methods of how to get the Bangladesh jail police admit card.
How can get Bangladesh jail police admit card 2023
- Open internet browser
- Then make sure your internet connection
- Then Go to official website
- Then there are you will find the notice board
- Then you click on kara odhidoptor
- Then select admit card option
- Then input your user id and password
- Then make sure to verify on OTP
- Then you can see an image that’s your admit card
- Then click on submit button
- Then Print out colour print on A4 size paper admit card 2023
In this section, we will discuss admit card 2023. Many candidates have already completed their application for the post of Bangladesh jail police order and female jail police. According to Bangladesh kara odhidoptor there are need to an emergency candidate for Bangladesh jail. Now it is time for good news for applicants because they are prison admit cards established on the official authority. We have discussed how to get the prison admit card and the date and the time of the exam. The authority of Bangladesh jail has published only the notice and the related news on the official website authority. Let’s see the exam date for every divisional cities.
Bangladesh jail police Exam time and date
- 19-01-2023 exam: rangpur division
- 21-01-2023 exam: Chittagong and Barisal division
- 22-01-2023 exam: Rajshahi, Sylhet, and Mymensingh division
- 23-01-2023 exam: Khulna division
- 24-01-2023 exam: Dhaka division.
An important document for the viva test exam
- All academic certificate/document which is monitored in the application.
- Print copy of ‘applicant from’ from the online application
- Nationality certificate or photocopy of NID card
- Experience certificate (if you have).
- Character certificate
- Tribal certificate if candidate applies in tribal Kota
- All documents have to be attached by a first-class graduate officer.
Bangladesh jail police seat plan
According to Bangladesh jail police job Exam admit card roll number or registration number no, seat will be scheduled by the authority. This seat plan will be found out Bangladesh gel vision job circular 2023 from the official of the applicant will be now about exam time and seat plan by mobile SMS, who is will be delivered by the Bangladesh jail prison authority.
Applied candidates must be present at the centre before half hour of exam full stop candidate will not allow bringing mobile, electronic watch, any kind of books, any kind of electronic device in exam center. In your file you have to carry important document. The mobile phone and money give the authority before the physical test started. Before the exam you exam seat, exam hall Number, and room number get via SMS.
However, you must bring the prison to admit card 2023 with you during the department of prison exam. Hope you are getting to know how to get the government jail police Exam admit card. But mast remembers to reach the exam center before 30 minutes the exam start. I hope from this restriction today you will have been able to get Exam admit card 2023. To get more information visit us all time or website. To know more about Bangladesh jail police admit card visit our website thanks all.