National university degree 1st-year exam, routine and admit card were published few minutes ago. The national university degree pass course exam will be started on 8 January 2023. Degree pass exam form submission last date was 10 October 2022. Students can apply online through the university’s official website
This post is very important for every candidate for the first year degree exam of the national university. Because many details about routine and exams have been discussing here.
National university degree 1st-year exam
Here are some important facts about ( exam session 2021) degree 1st year exam. We hope you find this information helpful. So let’s take at the information about the first year degree examination without delay.
- Exam name- degree 1st year exam 2023Session – 2021-2022
- Exam code- 1101
- Exam duration – 3.50 hour
- The exam started date – 08 January 2023
- Exam finished date – 12 march 2023
- Exam Start time – every day at 1:00 p.m.
The national university degree exam will continue till 1 to 2 months. Because they are written and practical exams are both will be held within this time. They are a lots of students are studying in the national university.
Degree 1st-year admission Routine
A new degree 1st-year admission routine has already been published on the government website. If you want to get your first-year exam routine by image click here. This place is perfect because you can get your degree 1st-year exam routine 2023 obsession 2021 with the image and JPG image from here. Degree 1st year exam is the most important exam all the degree students of Bangladesh national university. It is the first fainal exam. Final exam means the degree 1st year final exam. It is also better know degree passed and certificate is exam 2020. Your JPG routine are so below and click on image button to get image routine.
1st-year examination admit card
Now we see how to the first-year student of a degree will get or get admission from their exam. Meanwhile, the national university routine has been published some information about the Exam admit card. Degree 1st-year exam admit card have to distribute among the college authorities and students.
The notice issues by the national university shows how to get the admission from using the college code and college password from the website. And finally by checking on the link above the college authorities will use the college code and password to get the admit card for the student. And the college authorities will be distribute it among the student with the signature and seal of the principal.
Degree 1st-year exam form fill up 2022
In this paragraph, we will find out some important times and dates. About this completion of the degree 1st-year exam which will be very useful for you later.
- Online form fill up start (By student): 17th November 2022.
- Form fill-up End: 28 November 2022
- Student data confirmation (By college): 16th October 2022 19th November 2022.
- PC by Sonali Bank (By college): 23 October 2022 31 November 2022.
- Documents submission date: 13th October 2022.
The information UC above is very important information about from fill up. If you want this information you may take your notebook.
A new examiner degree 1st-year exam center list
National University has published the first year examination routine of the degree its official website. When the examination routine is published the national university publishers the examination center list. The exam centre does not published the list immediately after publishing the exam routine is some exam causes. As the first year examination routine of the degree has been published today but examination centre is not published by the national university. We will share it you thought the website when the national university degree 1st year exam centre listed will be released. Always stay with us to know the list and the detail updates of degree 1st year exam centres.
Degree 1st-year form fill up online
To complete the degree first year form fill up online the student feel must have a from. To feel out the online form is student will need to provide of some important previously provided to them by the national university. Below is how to fill up the from online for degree first year exam 2023.
- First, open an internet browser
- Then Go to
- Then Submit your registration number to go next step
- Then submit your phone number.
- Then that completes the from fill-up process
- Then please get your document
- Then Press control-p to print out final document
Degree from fill-up 2023
Feasts are fixed per student for feeling up the forms for the 2020 degree 1st-year examination. By submitting the prescribed fee is student has to complete their online from-feeling activity and paper for the exam. The certain fee for the first-year degree examination show below
- Second year (700 marks exam)-800 taka
- Certificate course fee- 300 taka
- Exam center fees- 450 taka
- Improvement exam fee- 300 taka
- College and online fees- 200 taka
National university degree pass course grading system
The result are published following the grading system for degree pass courses of the national university. So student should know the grading system of the degree pass course. Let’s take a look at the passing degree reading system.
- 80% or above A+ (plus) 4.00
- 75% to less than 80% A (plane) 3.75
- 70% to less than 75% A- (Minus) 3.50
- 65% to less than 70% B+ (Plus) 3.25
- 60% to less than 65% B (Plain) 3.00
- 55% to less than 60% B- (Minus) 2.75
- 50% to less than 55% C+ ( Plus) 2.50
- 45% to less than 50% C (Plain) 2.25
- 40% to less than 45% D (plain) 2.00
- Less than 40% result count F (Fail) 0.00
The national university class grading system follows the British undergraduate certificate (GPA and class grading system). GPO or equal 23 is equal to 1sy class degree in Bangladesh. that means
Nu academic CGPA 3.00 to 4.00 = 1st class
Academic CGPA 2.25 to 2.99 = 2nd class
Academic CGPA 2.00 to 2.24 = 3rd class
Lastly info
Do you want to more about the national university degree 1st-year examination visit or website . Thanks all.