HSC result with mark sheet 2023 published date to announce the ministry of education board on their official website educationboard.gov.bd. on 13th February 2023 Bangladesh higher secondary and higher education Board published the SSC result 2023 with mark sheet on their government website. Students will be checked available to know SSC mark sheet and result at 11:30 AM. After publishing HSC result student can check their result in here. Education Board has already published a notice for HSC result 2023. According to the notice, hair told that this year HSC result will be published on 28 November 2022. By the education board official website. The result will published online and SMS on both system.
How to know the HSC result with a
mark sheet
HSC result with mark sheet and equivalent examination result can be known by online and via SMS. Students will be available the result from the ministry of education Result publication website educationboard.gov.bd. Hsc Result 2023. All board student can see their result to follow our some instructions. Let’s see step by step.
- Open an internet browser in your mobile or computer.
- Then Visit govt official website educationboard.gov.bd
- Then Select HSC / Alim / equal vent from the examination option
- Then Select 2023 from the option
- Then Select your education board from the board options
- Then Select individual result from the result type option
- Then Enter your phone number and restoration number
- Then Enter your security code on the left in the right cell.
- Then Click on the gate result button
- Then You can get results on this time
- Then Print out a color print A4 size page.
HSC result by sms
The easiest way to know the HSC result is by sms. For this, you have to send an SMS from any mobile phone. Sim can be set from teletalk, banglalink, grameen phone, robi, and Airtel. To send an SMS enter your message option and type
HSC<space>First 3 later of board name <space>roll number<space>2023 and send to 16222 number
Example – HSC RAJ 378950 2023 and send to 16222 number.
The SMS system is not free. 2.50 taka need to check the result with marksheet. If your mobile balance is insufficient, please research your mobile.
HSC result with full mark sheet 2023
The results will be no on the education boards website and through sms from 12 noon. In a separate notice, the education board set that the result of SSC and equal wealth examination will be available on the government website. All of the boards provide result with marksheet using roll number and registration number of the examiners.
To know the result with mark sheet SMS on the mobile phone, write SSC and write the first three letters of the education board with the space and write the roll number with the space and send it 16222 by writing 2023 with space. Alim, dakhil, BM, madrasah board, technical bored write the first three letter of their board name.
Institution based result
HSC and equivalent examination results will not be provided to the educational institution by any education Board. The educational institution will be able to get college beside paperless routine from the website. Institutions besides result can be get from the official website of the respective education Board. College beside paperless result can be geted with in the number of the institution.
- Open internet browser
- Then Visit ebordresult.com
- Then Select examination, year, board, etc
- Then Select the institution resulting from the result type
- Then Provide your institution e I n number and press to get the result button.
- Then You can see your honorable result.
How many students get the Result
This year13 lakhs of 99thousand 690 students participated in HSC exam. All through the examination is not taken the necessary subject like as Bangla English will be evaluated on the basic of the result of jsc and SSC examination. The wait for result will end next day. If they do not get the expected result they will get a week time to apply for re verification.
In the separate notice the education board announce the notice 13 February 2023 student will be able to apply for re-evolution of the result.
Final words
This is all about the HSC exam result with full mark sheet number 2023. Hope our post is helpful to you and you have tired to provide all the information you need. Remember the mark sheet of HSC result with all the subject numbers many affairs a little bit number. . If you want to know more details about HSC results visit our website resultwab.com thanks all.