IFB Admit Card 2023 release on 18th April Announce from the authority. The IFB exam held on 24 May. The application start was 25 February 2023 and the application deadline was 25 March 2023. islami Foundation Bangladesh need employee for various category. IN this cause they publish a notice for job seekers. The application was finished last month now all are waiting for get the admit card. you can get the admit card using a piece of information in a simple way. Through this registration, you will know how to get the admit card. There is a good news for you those of you who applied for the IBF exam. Show the authorities have already released the admit card on the official website for you to the exam.
Bangladesh Islamic Foundation admit card
Bangladesh Islamic Foundation admits card 2023 is ready for get. Candidates apply recently published Islamic Foundation job notification. After a long way for the publication of the recruitment circular. The authority announces the primary exam date. For who is the foundation admit card web of applied candidate has been shared. Candidate who have received sms for applying to Islamic Foundation can get the Islamic Foundation Bangladesh admit card 2023 from here.
And in exhaust few days the examination Bangladesh Foundation is going to be held. For this you have to go the official website. The admit card get start on 18th April 2023 and the deadline of get the admit card is 31st April 2023.
IFB admit card get 2023
Ibf admit card 2023 is relatively more important this admit card should be geted as soon as possible. All applicants can get there admit card using their user id and password who is get for the application time full stop the authorities sent an SMS to give you a user id and password. Those of you who are candidates for the Islamic Foundation to write an exam can easily be geted Islami Foundation admit card 2023 to follow our instructions given below.
- First, open the internet browser
- Then make sure your internet connection
- Then go to the official website ibf.teketalk.com.bd
- Then select your admit card option
- Then input your user ID
- Then input your user password
- Then give revise and click on submit button
- Then you can see the admit card on your screen
- Then print out the admit card must be color print on A4 size paper.
Bangladesh Islamic Foundation IFB admit card 2023
Finally, the authority has fixed the exam date of writing exam of the Bangladesh Islamic Foundation. The written exam is Islamic Foundation is she doing to be held at the end of May 2023. Those of you who applied to Islamic Bank Foundation should get your admit card very soon. The admit card is very important for the all exam. Because without it you cannot appear in the exam centre. So don’t be delayed for get your admit card. You need to get the admit card as soon as possible.
Basically, the admit card is through only the official website and before the exam. All the candidate can participate in the exam without the admit card it is must important for your exam. The authorities sent you and SMS for geting your admit card in a very small time. So my dear friend don’t waste your time to get your admit card.
IFB exam admit card and seat plan
Bangladesh Islamic Foundation admits card and seat plan published from the authority. It total of 3 lakhs candidate are attend for this exam. So if you do not know about your seat plan you cannot find your exam hall in a short time. You can get your seat plan 2 ways. First in the admit card last section the authority give you the seating plan for your exam. But it is not fully details to get the confirmation seat plan.
And the other way 3 days before the exam the authorities sent you an SMS. In that SMS you can get the detail seat plan about your Bangladesh Islamic Foundation job exam. The seat is Most important for examination. However, for every exam check your seat plan before your exam otherwise you cannot find your exam hall.
Last words
So my friend you already know about the Bangladesh Islamic Foundation job Exam Admit Card and seat plan. We hope our information is helpful for you. The exam is very important for every job seekers. So without wasting time get your admit card in a separate time with announce from the authority. Do you have any questions then comment us we can try to solve your question as soon as possible. All the best wishes for every examine. Do you want to know more details about IBF Admit Card 2023 then visit our website resultwab.com Thanks All