MBBS admission admit card download process

MBBS admission admits card published from the directed general of medical education dgme from their official website www.dgme.gov.bd. eligible candidates can get admit cards from 26th to 29th March 2023. Dgme teletalk BD through this website you can get the admit card using user id and password. Bachelor of medicine and bachelor of sugary MBBS course from the academic session 2023-24 online application has been complete on 10 March 2023. It total 3 lakh application has been submitted the application.

Director general of medical education ready to taken the right exam. The dgme authority has recently opened the get of director general of medical education admit card 2023 on their official website. Those who applied for a limit number of dgme position are bring arks to prepare MCQ exam. get dgme admit card 2023 before the deadline. Otherwise, you will Fail to participate that exam. If you want to get admit card and other all details read our full article.

MBBS admission admit card 2023


The director general of medical education exam time is podcasting. Candidate have to practice agents 100 mark multiple choice question that’s mean MCQ question. Those who will give the correct answer to most of the MCQ questions will be selected for the next test. Before that is in dgme right and test exam get general of medical education seat plan and exemption you cannot participate in the exam without admit card. The candidate will not get any Ta orda for participating in the DGME test.

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The director general of medical education DGME me authority has monitor it the admission exam date on the circular phase. According to the admission circular with saw that the admission test will be held on first April 2023 full stop the authority is information all the applicant to get the admit card before the exam. The admit card provide only the official government website. But we can give you a for get your honorable admit card. Let’s go for get the admit card, MBBS admission admit card 2023.

How to get MBBS admit card


MBBS admission admits card get process only via online. Finally, the most educated admission test of the year is going to be held on first of April 2023. Direct general of the medical education dgame authority has declared and participated all the faculties for the talking Admission test twist of even the admit card has been issue now. As a selected candidate you must want to see for the exam. However, you must keep on your mind you need to get your admit card before your exam started. Let’s see step by step for geting your honorable admit card.

  • First, open an internet browser
  • Then Make sure your internet connection
  • Then go to official website www.dgme.gov.bd
  • Then you can show the homepage of the website
  • Then you go to admit card option
  • Then submit your user id and password who is received by sms
  • Then click on submit button
  • Then medical education admit card is already ready for get
  • Then open dgme admit card and print out on the A4 size paper
  • Then bring the admit card in the examination hall.
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Medical Admission admit card


If you want to get the medical admission test admit card 2023. Dghs authority will send an SMS to police staff you can get the admit card by using your user id and password. Elizabeth candidates can get admit card from 26 to 29th March 2023. Every student the applied for MBBS admission this session. Every student now gets admit card using your some instruction. Every student must get admit card for attending the admission test 2023.

  • Course Name: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery MBBSExam date: 1st April 2023
  • Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM
  • Exam type: multiple choice question MCQ
  • Admit card get: 26th march to 29th March 2023
  • Admit card get adress : www.dgme.gov.bd

Admit card notice for applicants


The admission taker Board have monitored some trumps and condition for the examiners. As a candidate, you must follow those trumps. Otherwise, you cannot sit for the exam.

  • All the students must enter the exam hall 30 minutes earlier.
  • Then All smart electronic devices are not allowed in the exam hall.
  • Then You must need to pass HSC exam last 3 years.
  • Then You have to need a minimum GPA 9.00 are both examinations.
  • Then You must carry the admit card in your exam hall.
  • Then If you are not followed the conditions, the authority will dismiss you.
  • The authority has the proper right to change the exam date.

MBBS test mark distribution 2023


MBBS admission test held under given marks distribution. Students who attend the MCQ exam total 100 mark and MBBS pass mark 40. Every student minimum 40 marks found for the merit list, highest mark t medical Admission 2022 also know here. Let’s know the all subject that are including for MBBS question 2023. Let’s check the subject name and subject mark distribution for the MBBS exam.

  • Biology 30 marks
  • Chemistry 25 marks
  • Physics 20 marks
  • English 15 marks
  • General knowledge 6 marks
  • International news 4 marks
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MBBS admission result 2023


Medical admission result and questions solution get for all students. Every year a huge amount student at the MBBS admission test. If you want to search a solution you can get in our website all the questions solution. After completing the MBBS admission test dcss authority will declared the medical Admission test circular result 2023. When authorities will be published the MBBS admission result will update here from our website.

Here we will also publish Mats, IHT, dental, pharmaceutical, paramedical and other sections who are related for a medical section like as nursing. You can get hair the result very easily throw our website. Next upcoming result you can get here very fastly. If you want to know any result comment as or send SMS our social site. MBBS related all information we are update here.



MBBS exam is the most important exam for every applicant who wants to become a doctor. Every year all MBBS exams are held. All applicants prepare for the exam because the exam is knocking at the door. get your admit card immediately otherwise, you cannot participate in the exam. All the best wishes for every applicant. You can get here all the medical section admission admit cards and results. Do you want to know more about MBBS admission and MBBS admission admit card visit our website resultwab.com thanks all