Nilphamari DC office Admit card and seat plan 2023

Nilphamari DC office Admit card and seat plan 2023 already release from the authority. The exam will be held on 11th March 2023. You cannot attend the exam without admit card. So you must get your admit card before the exam started. The Nilphamari DC office job circular was published a few days ago. A huge number of manpower need for this vacancy. 3 thousand manpower need in the Nilphamari DC office.

This is one of the biggest job circular in the whole Bangladesh. 4 lacs candidate are apply against 3000 vacancy. You will get to know from our station that the exam schedule has been declared for all the interested candidate who apply for the post of Nilphamari DC office assistant cum computer operator, certificate gov, assistant administrative officer and library assistant. All the candidate get admit card short time.

Nilphamari DC office job exam admit card

Nilphamari DC office job circular publish last month. A huge amount of candidate are apply for this job. The job exam is knocking on the door. Are you search to get nilphamari DC office job Exam Admit Card? Then you are in the right place. In this article you can know the details about full get procedure Nilphamari DC office job Exam Admit Card. This time moreover 4 lacs candidate need to get the admit card.
The admit card was released today from the official authority. If you have applian nilphamari DC office then it is very important for no today the registration and exam schedule. As their is only delay in the exam time you can quickly get ready for the exam by collecting admit card from the official website of authorities. The exam schedule is given below so let us know nilphamari DC office requirement exam schedule without delay.

Nilphamari DC office job exam details

Nilphamari DC office job exam will be held on 11th March 2023 at 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in 5 centre. The exam type is written system. The right and test will be held in nilphamari government, college nilphamari government women college, nilphamari government high school, Sameer uddin school and college, and nilphamari government high school are the exam centres.
A lot of manpower I need for this vacancy. Nilphamari district general administration and upazila nirbhay officer under the judicial have release the written examination schedule for recruitment 5 post and total 3000 vacancy. 13th 14th and 16th grade the job salary and required in the circular. It is a very handsome salary for the job seekers. The exam is become harder. So be full prepare for this exam.

How to get the Nilphamari DC office

Admit card 

Are you apply Nilphamari DC office job. Nilphamari DC office job exam held on 11th March 2023. Now it is time to get the admit card. Only 2 days have under the exam. You can get only one days for get your admit card. The admit card get process are very easy. Do you need the admit card then follow our command for get the admit card. Let’s see step by step how to get Nilphamari DC office admit card 2023
  • First open an internet browser
  • Then make sure your internet connection
  • Then go to the official website
  • Then go to the admit card option
  • Then give you user id and password
  • Then upload your image and signature
  • Then click on submit button
  • Then you can see your admit card on a screen
  • Then print out colour Paint on A4 size paper
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Nilphamari DC office exam date

The requirements circular was published of Nilphamari administrator. The authority is collecting the admit card from all the candidate through the official website in authority. 13th 14th and 16th gate five category 28 vacancy in the right an exam will be held. The right an examination will be held on 11th March 2023 at 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at nilphamari government college, Samiruddin school and college, nilphamari government high school, then Nilphamari women’s college and nilphamari government high school.
  • Exam name – nilphamari DC office requirement exam
  • Exam date – 11 March 2023
  • Exam time – 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
  • Exam centre – Nilphamari government college, then Samiruddin school and college, then Nilphamari government high school, V Nilphamari women’s college and nilphamari government high school.

Nilphamari DC office job exam seat plan

Nilphamari DC office job exam held after 2 days. the authority is already published the seat plan. There are the five centre for the job exam centre. then Nilphamari government college, then Samiruddin school and college, then Nilphamari government high school, then Nilphamari women’s college and then Nilphamari government high school will be held the job exam. Already the authority sent you an SMS for your seat plan.
All the exam details like as exam hall name, hall number, exam time and date are in the seat plan. Moreover, then you can see your seat plan on your admit card. On your admit card last passage you can see the full details your exam seat plan. No negotiated about that’s it plan. It is must very important for your exam. Without knowing seat plan you cannot get your room easily.


I hope you can get you admit card and seat plan using our information. We are very happy to inform you about DC office admit card and seat plan. The exam is knocking on the door after 2 days only the exam start so read attentively and fully prepare for this exam. All the very best wishes for every applicant. Do you have any questions then comment us we can try to answer your comment as soon as possible. Do you want know more details about need formally DC office job Exam Admit Card and seat plan then visit our website thanks all