Nursing Admit Card 2023 has been published and announce from bnmc authority. The admit card can be geted from 9 May to 26th May 2023. Bangladesh nursing and midwifery council bnmc published the admission test admit card. Nursing admission admits card 2023 can be geted from the official website. All the applicant can be informed about the admit card get information through their mobile phone. The diploma in midwifery Council BMNC application has already been finished.
Bnmc nursing admits card is available on 9th May 2023. The admission test date it changed. The admission test will be held on 26 th May 2023. BSc in nursing, diploma in nursing and midwifery, and diploma in mid-free candidate will participate in this admission test at the same time.
Nursing admission admit card 2023
BSc nursing admission and diploma nursing admission admit card 2023 has already release from the authority. All applicant can get their admit card before one day of the exam. The exam is held on 26th May 2023. All applicant can get their admit card using their user ID and password. The applicant will be in from about the issue of admit card through sms. If the admit card is lost it cannot be reget from the same website. The BSc and diploma in nursing admit card 2023 can be geted from the official website.
There are many candidates in nursing course this year full stop but not all the students now how to get the admit card from the official website. That’s why we are telling you the process get bnmc nursing admit card 2023.
BSC and diploma nursing all timetable
The Bangladesh nursing ad video free council has been released the admission protest for 3 year diploma in nursing science and midwifery. BSC and diploma nursing needed all information you can get from here. The Bangladesh nursing and midwifery council (BMNC) has invited application from admission into BSc nursing admission and diploma nursing at different government nursing college
- The admission notice published on – 09th March 2023
- The application start at – 15 th March 2023
- The application deadline – 13th April 2023
- Application fee for BSC nursing – 700 taka
- Application fee for diploma nursing – 500 taka
- The payment deposit last date 15th April 2023
- The admit card get start on – 09 th May 2023
- The exam will be held on – 29th May 2023 at 10 am
- The eligibility need – SSC and HSC GPA 2.50
- The official website for application and admit card get – is
How to get Nursing Admit Card 2023
The BSc and diploma nursing admit card 2023 can be geted from the admit website. Midwifery admits card can be also geted from the same website. If you are searching about the get process BSc and diploma nursing then you are in the right place. You can get the admit card using our information. Let’s see the process for geting the BSc and diploma nursing admit card for this academic session.
- First, make sure your internet connection
- Then go to an internet browser
- Then Type the official website name
- The official website is
- Then input your user ID
- Then input your user password
- Then click on submit button
- Now you can show the admit card on your screen
- Then get and print out color print on A4 size paper.
How to recover user id and password
If you have lost your bnmc admission user ID or password or both don’t worry. You retrieve them by providing some additional information. A minimum 1000 applicant are face this problem. Because the user id and password give from the authority using a mobile SMS operator. However, follow this step carefully to recover your user id and password.
Recover user ID
- Go to official website
- Then go to the recover user id option
- Then Click on the recovery option
- Then provide your necessary information
- Then input your full name
- Then input your father’s name
- Then input your mobile number
- Then click on submit button
- You can recover your user ID and get an SMS from your mobile.
Recover user password
- Go to official website
- Then go to the recover password option
- Then Click on the recovery option
- Then provide your necessary information
- Then input your full name
- Then input your mobile number
- Then click on submit button
- You can recover your user password and get an SMS from your mobile.
Last words
Every year a lot of candidates are attended BSc nursing and diploma nursing admission test. We are already told about geting the admit card system and other necessary information do you have to need for this exam. Do you have any questions then comment to us we can try to solve your question as soon as possible. This admission becomes harder for every applicant. So complete your syllabus properly. All the very best wishes to every applicant. We hope our article is helpful for you. Do you want to know more details about this exam and admit card then visit us our another article through our website Thanks all